Traditional Chinese Medicine
Chinese medicine is based on the idea that our health is dependent on an energy, which the Chinese call Qi (Chee), which exists in all things. This energy follows pathways through our bodies.
Problems in our lives - accidents, poor diet choices, stress, rapid changes in our environment, aging - can lead to disruptions in the flow of this energy in our bodies.
Acupuncture works to restore this energy flow by using thin, single-use needles in acupuncture points which stimulate energy and remove disruptions, restoring balance.
Treatment is typically relaxing and painless.The needles are retained for about 30 minutes, depending on the condition.
Depending on the condition, the therapist may choose to supplement the treatment with fire cupping, moxibustion, guasha or tuina.
An acupuncturist inserts fine needles into acupuncture points which works to remove energy blocks.
Cups are used to break up stagnation in the energy channels and increase circulation in the body.
Tuina is a form of acupressure therapy using various hand manipulations to stimulate the flow of energy or Qi.
An acupuncturist inserts fine needles into acupuncture points which works to remove energy blocks.